7 Foods And Substances That Could Land Your Dog In The Emergency Vet Clinic If Consumed

As a concerned dog owner, you probably do your best to keep your pet out of harm's way by avoiding accidents that could lead to an emergency vet call. However, did you know that many foods you might have considered safe or even healthy can be toxic to your dog? Keep the following list handy, as it could save you a visit to the emergency veterinary clinic. Here is what to keep out of Fido's reach:

1. The Leaves, Stems, Seeds and Pits of Certain Fruits

While some fruit flesh and pulp from cherries, apples and apricots may be safely consumed, the leaves, stems, seeds and pits should be kept out of your pet's reach. Why is this important? Simply because, if ingested, these parts are toxic to pets. Pits and leaves from these fruit plants often contain cyanide, a highly toxic substance when ingested.

2. Any Form of Chocolate

While you may know that chocolate contains sugar and caffeine, did you know that it can also be toxic when fed to your pet? Feeding in to your dog may cause illness and warrant a trip to the vet clinic. The culprit in chocolate is a substance known as theobromine. This chemical acts as a diuretic and stimulant. Dark chocolate contains the highest amount of this harmful substance.

Dogs that consume chocolate may become excessively high-strung and over-active, and experience gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting and diarrhea. If consumed in significant amounts, chocolate may cause seizures or heart irregularities in your dog. While you may feel a very small amount of chocolate might not harm your dog, it's best to play it safe and avoid it altogether.

3. Grapes and Raisins

Many dedicated dog owners know that raisins and grapes are on the "forbidden" list of foods to feed their pets, but did you know why it is harmful for a dog? Simply put, feeding your dog grapes or raisins may damage the kidneys. Renal failure may not only land your dog in the emergency vet hospital, it may cost your pet its life.

If your dog consumes grapes or raisins, early signs of toxicity include vomiting, diarrhea and lack of urine production. The dog should be examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible. A stomach purge and fluid therapy may be necessary to prevent serious complications.

4. All Types of Nuts, Especially the Macadamia

While any kind of nut may cause digestive upset or pancreatitis in your dog, the consumption of macadamia nuts may cause a disturbance of the central nervous system, including tremors or seizures. If you serve nut- filled cookies and baked goods to family and guests, keep these treats away from your dog.

5. Mushrooms

Mushrooms may cause digestive upset and gastrointestinal issues in your dog, so it is best not to feed these. Some varieties may be toxic to your pet, and these are often difficult to identify, so keep your dog away from wild growing mushrooms as well.

6. Avocado

The harmful substance in avocado is persin, and this chemical may cause toxicity in dogs, especially if consumed in large amounts. Keep the flesh, skin, leaves, seed and bark away from your pet, as all of these parts contain the harmful substance.

7. Meat, Poultry or Fish Bones

While the old nursery rhyme urges you to "give your dog a bone", this is not in your pet's best interest. Just about any bone from meat, poultry or fish can splinter and lacerate your pet's throat or stomach, as well as become a choking hazard.

If you believe your dog has consumed a harmful substance, contact your avian veterinarian or bring your pet to the emergency vet clinic. Don't wait until your dog shows symptoms of illness, as a delay in treatment could result in serious complications or even be fatal.
