There are a number of reasons why your cat may suddenly be itchy. If you have ruled out fleas, chances are that they have a skin irritation that is making them itchy. This can be caused by allergies, dandruff or skin conditions. If your cat is itchy, you may want to attempt to soothe the skin yourself before you take them to a veterinarian. Here are a few home remedies for treating itchy skin on your cat.
Supplement The Cat's Diet With Fish Oils
One of the ways that you can attempt to treat itchy skin on a cat at home is to supplement their diet with fish oils that contain omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids. These acids can help to decrease inflammation in the skin, while also hydrating skin. This can help prevent itchiness that is caused by dandruff or dry skin and soothe itchiness caused by skin conditions and allergies. It is important to note that you should not feed cats vitamins or supplements designed for humans. As such, you don't want to go to a drug store or vitamin store and pick up a bottle of fish oil pills to give your cat. They contain way too much for a cat to take at one time. Fortunately, many vets and pet stores sell fish oils that are safe for cats and dogs. Always follow the dosage instructions based on your cat's weight.
Give the Cat a Catnip Tea Bath
Another way to treat a cat that has itchy skin is to give them a catnip tea bath. Fill a bath with a few inches of the hottest water that your tub will produce. Place several sprigs of fresh catnip in the tub. Allow the sprigs to soak in there while the tub cools to room temperature. The catnip infuses the water, much like a tea bag does when placed in hot water. After the water has cooled to room temperature, remove the sprigs and place your cat in the tub, soaking them in the catnip-infused water. After a few minutes, remove your cat from the water and dry her the best you can. You do not need to rinse the mixture off. The catnip will naturally soothe the skin and hydrate it.
It is also important to note that some cats simply will not take a bath. If your cat won't and only has a few itchy patches, you can boil hot water on the stove and soak a few catnip sprigs in it. After it has cooled to room temperature, dip a cotton ball in the mixture and apply it directly onto the affected areas of your cat's skin. This may be much easier if your cat will not take a bath.
Coat the Skin in Apple Cider Vinegar
The last way you can attempt to treat itchy skin on a cat is to coat their skin with diluted apple cider vinegar. Simply mix one part unpasteurized apple cider vinegar with three parts water. It is important to dilute the apple cider vinegar or it can sting or burn your cat's skin. Additionally, this mixture should never be placed on open sores or cuts, as it can sting. You can then place the mixture in a spray bottle and spray it directly on your cat's skin or put it in a bowl and use a cotton ball or cloth to apply the mixture. Apple cider vinegar helps to kill bacteria and germs that may be causing skin conditions, while also hydrating the skin and soothing itchiness.
Watching your cat constantly scratch and itch themselves can be hard. No pet owner wants to see their cat in obvious discomfort. If your cat is itching, you can attempt to solve the problem at home by supplementing their diet with fish oil, giving them a catnip tea bath or coating the skin with apple cider vinegar. If that doesn't work, you will want to take them to a veterinarian. They may need prescription allergy medications or steroids to help treat the problem.