3 Eye Diseases That Can Affect Guinea Pigs

Many people think of guinea pigs as easy starter pets, but unfortunately, that's not the case. Guinea pigs are susceptible to a wide range of health problems, including problems with their eyes. Here are three eye diseases that your new guinea pig may develop. Cataracts Cataracts are an eye condition characterized by the clouding of the cornea, the lens that covers your pig's iris and pupil. Healthy corneas are clear, but when cataracts are present, they look milky and opaque.

5 Ways To Help Your Dog Manage His Canine Cognitive Dysfunction

Much like dementia afflicts aging humans, canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) can wreak havoc on your dog, and subsequently his personality and behaviors, as he starts to get older. CCD is dementia in dogs, and it can be caused by your dog simply getting older, thyroid problems, tumors or diabetes. A dog suffering from CCD suffers from personality shifts, confusion, anxiety, and loss of skills. Watching your dog suffer from CCD can be overwhelming, scary and a sad experience.

Tips For Collecting A Urine Sample From Your Dog

When you call the veterinarian to get advice on your sick pet, there's a chance that they'll ask you to bring in a urine sample. Along with being a disgusting thought, the process can be difficult if you don't know how to proceed. That said, since approximately 14% of all dogs experience a urinary tract infection in their lifetime, urine sampling is a skill that every dog owner should have. The best way to obtain a urine sample from your dog is pretty straightforward.

Put Down The Vacuum And Shed The Stress! Understanding And Treating Your Dog's Excessive Shedding

Bringing a dog into your home and family can be a wonderful thing. However, many new dog owners struggle with the overwhelming tasks to ensure their dog remains healthy and happy. From the cost and responsibility of feeding to the challenge of potty-training, it is easy to see new dog owners may experience stress. Unfortunately, one problem that affects many pet parents is shedding. Dog hair is lightweight, so it can easily accumulate on your furniture, flooring, and clothing.